петок, јули 12, 2002

sitting in the room and waiting for the 11th hour to come. I am leaving today. From Sunday,,,,everything will be allright.
Shel Silverstein


She drank for a bottle called DRINK ME
And up she grew so tall,
She ate from a plate called TASTE ME
And down she shrank so small.
And so she changed, while other folks
Never tried nothin' at all.

and now beware......gosh these quezees are contagious disease.

Take the Disney Villain Test Now!!

this is something that I tried to publish on bagra.net.mk but I don;t know if they will accept it. It is in macedonian, sorry:

Leto dojde i taka nie studentite koi studirame 1800 km na sever si gi sobirame pljackite i bidejki dzebot ni e moshne plitok se parkirame na zeleznicka i cekame da dojde vozot za Budapest Keleti (ili Nuigati zavisi od godishnoto vreme). Ova shto sleduva e opis (ili sumiranje) na moite pateshestvija po vozovite na sredna i balkanska Evropa. (mnogu e dolgo!!!)


22h, Wroclaw. Zeleznickata od nadvor izgleda vpecatlivo. Ne ja stavile dzabe na razglednici. Od drugata strana svetat neoni koi mi poracuvaat "Dobro Vecer vo Wroclaw". Jas, mojot ranec i mojot vokmen edvaj cekame da se istrebime od Polska a ke se istrebime za nekolku saati.

Opis na zeleznickata odvnatre...odnosno...prostitutki, narkomani koi na koi vecno im bega vozot i morat da „soberat pari za sledniot expres”, bezdomni koi veke si nasle mesto za spienje ili gi kolnat patnicite za toa deka tie odat na odmor a bezdomnite nemat pari za leb ( a za alkohol sekogash im stignuva). Mirizbata e meshana-miris na 2 godini nekapeni luge plus evtini restorani/ Gulabi letaat. Nasekade soopshtenija koi te potsetuvaat da si go skiresh paricnikot vo vnatreshniot dzeb.

23h Pristignuva "Bem". Mojot prekrasen voz koj ke me odnese do Budimpeshta. Go gledam kako da e "streetcar named desire"....i vleguvam vnatre....odnosno se turkam za da vlezam a bidejki vozot doaga od kojznae kade veke cel e poln i Ania treba da se turka, tepa, gazi , pcue i na krajot da moli i place da najde mesto vo nekoe kupe. Ama vo red. Ania sednuva vo kupeto i trga. Vo vozot najcesto se vozat vojnici (jas togash gi nacekuvam) koj se vrakaat doma na otsustvo, bezdomni bez noze i race (ako si invalid imash besplaten transport), studenti koi se vrakaat doma za vikend i pijanici koi pijat ovoshno vino i pridonesuvaat za edinstvenata atmosfera vo vozot. Vo sekoj slucaj vozot trgnuva i jas go cekam toj moment (za nekolku saati ) koga site ke se istrebat po malite gradcinja niz koi vrvi vozot i ke ostanam vo Ceshka veke sosema sama ako ne vo vozot togash vo Kupeto sigurno.

Ceshka i Slovacka:

Kako shto napishav, kupeto e prazno. Moite roditeli me bodrat so sms-i da ne zaspijam i da ne me ograbat. Jas se obiduvam na sekakov mozen nacin da ne zaspijam. Go dopivam kafeto od termosot. Za 1 sat (3 a.m) spijam kako gulab. Vo meguvreme se slucuva slednoto (granica sredno na 1 saat):

-na sekoi 15 minuti moram da go pokazam biletot

-na sekoj polovina saat vleguvaat misteriozni uniformirani lica i mi svetat so baterija v oci i mi zboruvaat neshto na nerazbirliv za mene jazik.

-doaga The Conducterka....a the conducterka bidejki stalno koga ke patuvam (3 pati godishno vo 2 pravci) e tuka za da mi kaze (a toa veke go razbiram bidejki posle toa garant ne zaspivam)”Kako moziesh da spiesh. Ti ne znaesh deka ovde ima cigani i imaat gas za paraliziranje. A ti si spiesh. Nemoj da si zaspiela, mozat da te ograbat, silovaat, ubijat.....” (sloboden prevod od ceshki)

-Posle toa mi e strav da izlezam vo hodnikot da zapalam cigara i pocnuvam da pusham vo kupe. Normalno me opomenuvaat deka ke treba da plakam kazna. Se pravam deka ne gi razbiram.

Ungarija: (na nashki Madzarska)

Budapest Keleti. 9h. Nekade pred 6 se osmeliv da zaspijam. Vo 8.30 (togash veke se vleguva vo budapest) veke sum budna i gotova da izlezam. Vo meguvreme BEM se polni so madzari koi odat na rabota ili na ucilishte. Vleguvaat bezobrazno vo moeto kupe, me razbuduvaat i neshto komentiraat.....ama da me otepash nishto ne gi razbiram.

Sleguvam na zeleznicka. Kupuvam rezervacija za „AVALA” so koja ke patuvam do B eograd. Zeleznickata e mnogu pogolema od Wroclawskata ama nishto pomalku smrdena. Ovde ke gi pominam narednite 4 sati. Go ostavam mojot ranec na bagaz (600 forinti), kupuvam kafe (80 forinti) i
a. fakam metro i odam da go zirnam parlamentot mi koj go obozavam.
b. odam na Vaci i jadam vo McDonalds (bidejki tamu sum sigurna deka ke jadam neshto shto nema da bide cudno i skapo)
c. sedam vo cekalna i zaspivajki se obiduvam da citam.

Razmenuvanjeto na pari e prikazna za sebe. Cekajki red za da razmenam pari doagaat crnomurestite cickovci (od romsko i arapsko poteklo) koi nudat marki, dolari, hoteli, taxi...... i gi zboruvaat site jazici!!!!

vo 13.26 pristignuva gordosta na jugoslovenskiot zeleznicki transport AVALA. Intercity koj od Viena odi za Belgrad.

Vleguvash vo Avala. Tvoeto mesto (spored biletot za koe si platil mnoooooooogu pari) e zafateno od nekoja Srbinka koja se vraka od shoping vo Viena i razgovara so druga takva Srbinka pushejki malboro i citajki vikend romancinja. Niz vozot trcaat 3jazicni 10 godishni decishta koi se najcesto Albanci koi ziveat vo Viena a odat za Beograd.

Vo vozot se slusha najcesto srpski. Ungarcite se malcinstvo. A vo vozot ima restoran i mozesh da si kupish na primer KENBACH!!!!!!!!! (ama ne pitaj za kolku pari)Ednash Ania sakashe da se luksuzira i da se napie kafe i trebashe da plati 120 dinari (suze krijem same teku beshe rabotata). Kafeto beshe odvratno!

SRJ: Subotica-Kelebija. Najdosadniot del od patot. Ni tamu ni vamu. Vozot stoi bukvalno 2 sati na granica zaradi tipicni balkanski pricini(odnosno pijat kafe, igrat karti i slicno)

18h......Balkane Balkane Balkane moj.....ovde pocnuva Balkanot. Izleguvash od zeleznicka (pred 2 godini bidejki zaradi prekrasnoto NATO od Novi Sad Do Belgrad n emashe voz) i heading to avtobuska. Ne treba mnogu da se macish duri da stignish bidejki toa e nasproti. I vleguvash vnatre i doma si. Prvo ti trebat 5 minuti da se svestish kade si bidejki cadot na cigarite go doveduva cuvstvoto na orientacija do minimum. Posle tie pet minuti ja custvuvash celata privilegija na Wild Balkan pod imeto „of mori Ceco”. Cela avtobuska ti e u stvari od kafane do kafane. Kasierkite pijat kafe 24/7 i bASH su pricali o direktoru autobuske stanice kada ti ono doooooooooodzesh (vojvodina: nategnuvame akcent do maksimum) i onooooo traaaaaaazish biiiiiiiilet do BEEEEEEEograda. I ondak izadzesh ti lepo na peron da cekash na autobus a tamu ispracaju Gisu u vojsku. I placat kornat: majki, zeni i sestri (posebno sestri). Vleguvash vo avtobus, i stoish. Ti velat:”ne se sekiraj, za brzo vreme nekoj ke slezi pa ke sednesh”. Po izvesno vreme ti prioga Gisha (toj od vojskata).” Ja danas idem u vojsku. Idem u planinu. Oni tamu ne daju ti da jedesh. Morash da jedesh ono shto sam ulovish, odnosno gushtere i zmije. AAAAAAAh kuku meni, a odakle si ti? Iz makedonije. Jeste, Makedonija je lepi kraj. Bio sam nekad u Skopju na ekskurziju”.....milina.....da ne mozesh da se docekash „Jel oces sa mnom da se napijesh? Napij se vina. Vi u Makedoniji imate dobro vino.” ..........Posle edno 15 minuti cel avtobus go blagoslovuva Gisha deka im ja brani tatkovinata a pola avtobus e pijan. Gisha donese vino za cel avtobus.

20h Beograd.

Prvo Novi Beograd. Polovina voz se ispraznuva. Konecno moze da se dishe. Gradot izgleda ubavo navecer. Posle 15 minuti na zeleznickata stanica ja prepoznavam starata lokomotiva koja stoi tamu ushte od moeto rano detstvo (od mala sum po zeleznicki:), i starite dobri cekalni (prve klase, druge klase, cekaonica za majke sa decom itd)....normalno rade do 19. Sada je 21 h. Voz kasni (kao i uvek)......zaigrali se granicari u Subotici.

Sleguvash.....slushash ponuda za taxi od site vozmozni strani. Nekoj nudi da go nosi tvojot ranec.Ti si pomisluvash....pa zarem postojat dzentlemeni na svetot......biiiiiip....greshen odgovor.... Samo 100 dinara druze. Go isprakash onamu kade shto pripaga.

21.15.....od krajot na posledniot peron dotrcuvash do prviot. Gledash voz. Pishuva Beograd-Skopje-Solun. Tvojot son se ispolni: go fati vozot za Skopje.

Pred samoto trgnuvanje.

Bukvalno trgnuva koga ti se kacuvash vo prviot vagon a toj u stvari e spavaca.

Prashuvash kolku koshta kushetka.

Devojko nema kushetki ( se potroeshea)......imash spavaca......ok .....spavaca neka e.....

Vleguvash vo tvoeto sopstveno Kupe. Vnatre ima krevet, postelnina, CESMA!!!!!!, i mozesh da go napolnish telefonot. So eden zbor se custvuvash kako kineska kralica ili kako vo orient express a toa da ti bil makedonski voz.

Se dodeka ne dojde kondukterot i ne ti rece 30 evra, moze i vo denari moze i vo dolari kako sakash.

Malce ti e skapo ama nemash izbor.....vozot trgna.

Mnogu ti e skapo ama voopshto nemash izbor......vozot trgna.


Pishuvash SMS...”mamo, tato. jas sum vo voz za skopje. Ьtre okolu pladne ke bidam vo Bitola”.

Odgovor”Kolku plati za vozot kerko”

”30 Evra majko”

Odgovor ”$%^&^%&(*%#$ (cenzura) ”.

precki.......R>E>M faza.....plitok son.....dlabok son.....100% zasluzen.

6h Republic of Macedonia.

Poznavash pred se po toa shto na vokmenot fakash radio Skopje. Gi slushash vestite vo 6 casot. Za pola saat ke bidesh vo Skopje.



lele koj ke odi sea od Skopje za Bitola.....ushe 4 sati........bozeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!

Sleguvash na dobro poznata zeleznicka i si ja custvuvash na svoja koza dobro-poznatata Skopje ima mikro klima, zeleznickata strajkuva a vo cekalnite nema greenje.
Se kacuvash vo taxi i stignuvash na avtobuska.
Se raspravash so kasier na majcin jazik koj ti veli deka radi snegot nema prevoz za bitola ama mozesh da probash da stignesh so toj vo 9.
Probuvam da stignam so toj vo 9
Na peron zapoznavam simpaticen decko so belo kece koj se pretstavuva kako Zoran i saka da me casti tuljumba.
Koga mu velam deka ne sakam Tuljumba nasotjuva da probam Boza.
Koga mu velam deka ne sakam Boza predlaga da me odnese so mercedesot na Vodno.
Za sreka Vodno go propushtam bidejki avotubsot pristignuva. Vnatre poznati soferski melodii ili eventualno fudablski natrpevar od 3 liga na radio Skopje.

Welcome home Ania......
Nekoi raboti navistina ne te ostavaat da zaboravish deka „samo jedno mesto na svetu se zove dom”.

Ako ova barem dvajca go procitaat celo neka go pobaraat Zoran na avtobuska da gi casti Tuljumba a od mene imaat gratis boza.

go primam vaseto socustvo.

четврток, јули 11, 2002

you're amun

I play god:)

What Egyptian Deity are you? go to:the quiz!

in 2 days this blog won't have any updates. The reason for this is that today I am giving away my borrowed notebook and my home pc doesn;t have a proper modem. Another reason is that I leave for two months. I'll be back in october.....and then I am going to continue in the place where I finished. Of course I will try to write something from time to time but I am not used to writing in internet-cafes.
Anyway, summer is here eventhough as you can see in my weather pixie we have onlu 17C in Wroclaw. I am heading for Macedonia and last thing on my mind is to stay in front of the pc.

thanx for visiting and signing my guestbook anyway.

вторник, јули 09, 2002

pamietnik-zmarlego blog

this is something....
this is something that I dare not to write about. This is something that I hate writing about. This is something that I can't write about. It is already written. It made me cry. This is the first (and П hope the last) blog that made me cry.
Don't read this.
This is something that we are not allowed to know. Not until we are to die. The boy that wrote this blog died. The blog was short. His life was short. What he wrote was enough...enough to make me think. To make me feel the uncertainity.
He is not alone
thanks for visiting the blog all the way from:)

smattering.org >> the friday five 1. Where are you right now? Sitting in front of the notebook....just got back home after 2 days spent at my parents`

2. What have you lost recently? I often lose tapes. And I always lose my favourite tapes. Most often I find them but only after few months have passed by.

3. What was the first CD you ever purchased? Does that embarrass you now? The first CD I ever bought was best alternative ballads with nirvana, pearl jam, alice in chains, beck, red hot cp....one of my favourites 10 years after:))))Jesus it;s been 10 years.....god ....I am so old.

4. What is your favorite kind of writing pen? anything that writes....I guess.

5. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? 2 hours ago I ate some polish toffi icecream but I didn't like it. I guess.....dove..

понеделник, јули 08, 2002

Erh......uhm......I mean......just like.......ya know what I mean man......what was that П meant can you remind me???????? :OOOOOOOO

I am little afraid that the above written sentence will be everything I will be able to let through my mouth on today's entrance M.A exam. There is something within me that makes me always calm. My taurus is telling me a. it will be allright
. b. it has always been allright in times like this for you
c. you are smart enough to proove them that your project is the best under the sun (eventhough it has nothing to to with philology)

I think I am going to smoke, drink cofee, read some macedonian online newspapers and than......just try to win....
wish me luck

петок, јули 05, 2002

stupid ticket controllers ruined my evening!!!!! corruption corruption corruption rulez my soul

I was out last night. Пt was extremely boring. But since I am bored to death in this flat doing nothing but staring at this stupid computer I guess I wanted to go out and bore myself in guiness. So first I was at Stanczyk, talking about buissness with young 30year old career-orientated-people and telling myself that I would kill myself if I would become one of them.....
second-We went to Guiness pub and there was nobody in there. There was no live music. Only the waiters and the owner of the pub. But still it was sort of amusing to me....since I packed and went home around 1.30 and got into the 1.42 tram...and guess what. I didn't checked the ticket (i don't know how you mark the ticket in the tram or subway-i don't know the word) and then of course on 1.30 a.m there came the above mentioned stupisd controller who first wanted 64 zloti. I said I haven't. Then he wanted 26 zloti which I said I haven;t. Then he told me o.k give me what do you have (man, he was desperate)...П said o.k I have 10 zloti (and I was so proud of myself on spending onlu 4 zloti on beer that night) and П looked into my purse...and see oh my god....П didn't even have that much.....so П took out few 2 zloti coins and told him-ok this is all I 'v e got take it or we go to the police and make it long. He said-ok, I' ll take them. So
off they went (from the tram) and I stayed on the tram and took off few stops further.

the thing is that.....THIS WAS THE FIRST CORRUPTION ACT IN MY LIFE.....I lost my corruption virginity......I am not clean..so help me god:)

четврток, јули 04, 2002

wariator blog

in this blog I read something which I would like to share with you (the blog is written in polish)

"Does God have his own God?
We have to wait till the end of the movie to find out...." not a direct translation but a paraphrase...
it's a good question...
it's a stuped comment...but I think that this sentence is enough, every comment is useless...does he??? does HE? does??????


rate me:

Rate Me on BlogHop.com!

the best
pretty good
pretty bad
the worst


I live right opposite the economic academy in Wroclaw. There are lot’s of people dressed with black trousers, white shirts and ties. They are about to have an entrance exam. They are scared stiff. Some has came with their parents, some with their friends but they are all in a deep stress. This is one of the most important day in their life. I am a witness. I sit here in front of my notebook and just collect everything down.
rijecnik - Theater - AUDICIJA - rijecnik

the forgotten dictionary of yugoslav reality....for all of you who understand serbia....a mustsee!!!!!!!!!


среда, јули 03, 2002

Friday Five .....a questionare for all of us who want to answer>.......like......me (I am bored to death, I don;t have money and I can;t travel anywhere because I have to study and I am to lazy to study>>>>>>>>>>>)

When was the last time I??????

1. ...sent a handwritten letter? I write some from time to time because I have some friends who are not really into internet..but the thing is that I am too lazy to send them so they dissapear sooner or later.
2. ...baked something from scratch or made something by hand? My birthday, I baked Dr.Oekter"s cake all by myself and they liked it!!! (it was my first cake ever)

3. ...camped in a tent? I guess few years ago, and I got bored to death, it was in Platamonas,Greece with my parents.

4. ...volunteered your time to church, school, or community? You know what.....never.....we don;t have such tradition on the Balkans:)

5. ...helped a stranger? I made good sandwiches to the homeless knocking on my door.....but I never give money.....I don't want anybody to buy heroine with them

What Spooky Being are You?
and it turns out that.......

What Was Your PastLife?
and another tests

The Verbal Chilli "Are you a Goth/Trendy/Alternative?" Test
**** Goth45%

*Conclusion: Angry *and* arrogant! What a combination. You have just enough knowledge of the world to really resent it properly
care to write your name on a asteroid....just click on it!!!

and guess what kind of underwear person am I
You are most like Wes! [?]

Who are YOU most like?

You're 20% evil!

this is for you too see how evil I am

You are 20% evil! [?]

You're pretty non-evil. You're a little bit off of being all good, but you tend to still be orderly and peaceful. You aren't the bad person at all...for the most part.

вторник, јули 02, 2002

this blog this crap doesn't work again.....so I wonder why is this added anyway.....shall I delete it??? or maybe tomorrow will be better. SEcond option definitely!!!

понеделник, јули 01, 2002

uvek sam sanjao da sam ja heroj
koji ce promeniti citavi svet
nisam rodzen da budem heroj..................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@$^%***&^(%)%^$@#!

it's not me it's dirty theater
sega ke napisham post na makedonski
ama ic ne mi e gajle
lele kolku e ubavo koga covek si pishuva na majcin jazik.....dodsuha do sega imashe samo eden posetitel (od ko se napravi noviot layout) odnosno znam duri i koj.....oooooooooo..........kolku e ubavo na majcin jazik....ama ova e samo eden eksperiment.
nekoj den ke pocnam i na makedonski ama ne sega.....treba ushte malce vreme, najseriozno zboruvam.
pozdrav do site koi go razbiraat ova.
za 2 nedeli sum vo mk
i celo leto ke bidam vo mk
ke puknam od dosada:))))))
been into this testing recently....those were some of the tests П 've made recently, they are more to come....now I am making the bloginality test, it is about what kind of blogger am I

and these are the results:
As an INFP, you are Intraverted, iNtuative, Feeling , Perceiving.
This makes your primary focus on Introverted Feeling with Extraverted Intuition.

This is defined as a NF personality, which is part of Carl Jung's Idealist (Identity Seeking) type, and more specifically the Healers or Idealist

As a weblogger, you have wonderful words to express your feelings because of your idealism. Because you don't like conflict, you may be likely to make one list of links and leave it for a long time without updating for fear of offending.

take free enneagram test

I Am
Evil Faerie Spirit.
I like maiming small animals and shooting things. I also like shrieking to warn people of their impending doom.
What Celtic Goddess are You?
Quiz by Aoibhell